Khatam Al-Quran and Donation Handover
Bandar Seri Begawan, 31st March 2024 – The Institution of Surveyors, Engineers and Architects (PUJA) Brunei holds a Khatam Al-Quran as well as a Donation Handover Ceremony to 16 orphans recipients.
The Khatam Al-Quran Ceremony began at 5.10pm at Masjid Suri Seri Begawan Raja Pengiran Anak Damit, Kampong Madang led by Bilal Razman followed by the Donation Handover Ceremony and the event closed with Iftar and Maghrib Prayers in congregation.
The Guest of Honour, Yang Mulia Ir Awang Haji Amer Hishamuddin bin Pehin Orang Kaya Amar Pahlawan Dato Seri Setia Haji Zakaria, Permanent Secretary of Infrastructure, Housing and Professional at the Ministry of Development, accompanied by PUJA President Sr. Awang Haji Mohammad Hanafi bin Pehin Orang Kaya Di-Gadong Seri Diraja Dato Laila Utama Haji Abdul Rahman presented the donations to 16 orphans recipients selected from JAPEM.Also present Yang Mulia Dr. Hajah May Fa’ezah Binti Haji Ahmad Ariffin,Permanent Secretary of Economy,Trade and Industry of Ministry of Finance and Economy, Yang Mulia Sr. Dayang Hajah Norhayati binti Haji Mohd Yaakub, Deputy Permanent Secretary of Construction Industry and Development at Ministry of Development and Yang Mulia Dyg Aldilla binti Haji Mohd Salleh, Deputy Permanent Secretary of Corporate and Law at Ministry of Development.
The evening saw more than 30 attendees including PUJA members, officers from Ministry of Development and PUJA staff.