PUJA Brunei Council and Brunei Legislative Council Hold Muzakarah to Discuss Challenges in the Construction Industry
On 10 December 2024, PUJA Council Members, led by PUJA President Sr Haji Mohammad Hanafi bin Pehin Orang Kaya Digadong Seri Diraja Dato Laila Utama Haji Abdul Rahman, held a Muzakarah session with members of the Brunei Legislative Council.
Attending were Legislative Council Members, Yang Berhormat Pehin Orang Kaya Laila Dato Seri Setia Awang Haji Abd. Rahman bin Haji Ibrahim, Yang Berhormat Pehin Orang Kaya Johan Pahlawan Dato Seri Setia Awang Haji Adanan bin Begawan Pehin Siraja Khatib Dato Seri Setia Haji Md. Yusof, and Yang Berhormat Pehin Orang Kaya Indera Pahlawan Dato Seri Setia Haji Suyoi bin Haji Osman, Yang Berhormat Awang Haji Salleh Bostaman bin Haji Zainal Abidin, Yang Berhormat Dyg Hajah Rosmawatty binti Haji Abd Mumin and Yang Berhormat Dr. Awang Haji Mahali bin Haji Momin.
Also present were Senior Members of PUJA Brunei, most notably Ar. Dato Paduka Haji Idris bin Haji Abbas and Sr Haji Zulkipli bin Haji Abdul Hamid, both former LEGCO Members and PUJA Past Presidents, and Ir Haji Osman Mumin, PUJA Member.
PUJA President welcomed the Legislative Council Members and thanked them for their time to undertake a Muzakarah with PUJA and PUJA Council Members, and further briefed the LEGCO Members on PUJA Brunei and its Objectives and Functions. In addition, the presentation elaborated on present issues and concerns experienced by PUJA Members as Practicing Professionals in Brunei’s Construction Industry.
The briefing was followed by detailed discussions on the issues faced by PUJA Members and concerns on the Construction Industry as a whole. Topics such as design & build procurement, professional fees and public perception of Qualified Persons (QPs) were discussed at length. The discussions were well received by all, and in their closing remarks both Yang Berhormat Pehin Orang Kaya Indera Pahlawan Dato Seri Setia Haji Suyoi and Sr Haji Hanafi expressed their appreciations for the opportunity to discuss matters which are not just important to the construction industry but of national importance for the future development of the professions and younger generations entering into the industry.